Category Archives: Jams

Holiday faces


Had a great time at the holiday facepainting jam in Montclair, California last night. Thanks Lilly. Had some great kids come by. Love the holiday bling! Still time to book me for your Holiday Party.

Thanks to Brian Wolfe for the dragon design inspiration.

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Jamming with Lilly Walters


We had a great time at the Montclair face painting jam run by the fabulous Lilly Walters. Jams are such a great way to learn about new techniques, meet other incredible face painters and buy, buy, buy some “must have” new paints and glitters.

If you aren’t a face painter but love to get your face painted, we’ll let you in on a secret. Find a face painting jam and go. The artists are looking for faces to paint the most remarkable art on.

We love Lilly and are proud to say she has been one of our special teachers.